Embracing the Strength and Vulnerability of Enneagram Type 8 Through Loss


Welcome to my special journey into Enneagram Type 8, exploring the true essence of “The Protector,” also known as “The Challenger”—inner empowerment.

Renowned for its indomitable spirit, powerful creative energy, and relentless pursuit of justice, Type 8 holds a special place in the Enneagram as the archetype of strength and empowerment. My connection with Type 8 in this moment unfolds during a time of personal vulnerability, revealing the depths of Type 8 essence through a tender life event—the impending loss of my beloved dog.

This story is not just about understanding Type 8 but also about how its themes of power and vulnerability intersect with the most natural cycle of life and death.

Diving Deeper into Type 8

Type 8 mirrors the universal spark of creation, an energy that emerges from the void to ignite existence. It is characterized by inner strength, assertiveness, and a protective nature that empowers. As I stand on the brink of launching my 9-month Enneagram Certification program, the qualities of Type 8—resilience, leadership, and the ability to enact change—are more vital to me than ever. This type’s energy, emanating from the gut center, is often misunderstood as mere anger. However, it's a profound creative life force, a mystical side of anger that fuels forward movement and change.

A Deeply Personal Journey with Type 8

My choice to delve into Type 8 at this time was intentional, aligning with the energy I sought for this significant professional leap. Yet, life's unpredictable nature brought me a deeper, more intimate encounter with Type 8’s essence. As my faithful companion of 16 years faces her final days, I find myself navigating the complex tapestry of life’s beginnings and endings. This transition, heart-wrenching as it is, has unraveled a new layer of understanding Type 8's power, not just in the external world but in the vulnerable spaces of our hearts.

The True Power of Type 8

This journey through grief and loss has deepened my relationship with Type 8, underscoring that after three decades with the Enneagram, the learning and growing is truly ongoing. The true essence of Type 8 lies beyond external strength — it embodies the power found in vulnerability, in facing our deepest fears and sorrows. This moment teaches me that real empowerment stems from confronting the inevitable cycles of life and death with an open heart—a heart ready to love, lose, and love again.


As I delve deeper into my journey with Type 8, I’m not just learning about an Enneagram type. I’m engaging in a profound path of raw openness, recognizing the intricate blend of strength and vulnerability that defines our human experience.

Through the lens of Type 8, I'm inspired to lead, create, and meet life's hardest moments with presence. Yet, it is the deeper, more personal evolution that Type 8 sparks—guiding me to embrace life's most painful moments with the courage of an open heart—that truly captures its essence.

Join me this month in a much deeper process with Type 8 — discover the depths of your own strength and vulnerability in the face of life’s inevitable transitions.


Embracing Wholeness: The Journey Beyond A Single Enneagram Type


The 3x3 Matrix of the Enneagram: Exploring the Psychophysiological Roots of Our Three Centers and Directions