Unveiling the Difference: Enneagram Personality vs. Enneagram Essence

  1. Introduction

    The Enneagram holds immense power as a tool for your self-discovery and personal growth, providing profound insights into the depths of your personality and illuminating your universal essence. As you delve into this transformative system, it becomes crucial to understand the distinction between your Enneagram personality and Enneagram essence.

    In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental differences between these two dimensions, shedding light on their unique aspects and how they contribute to your meaningful understanding and practical use of the Enneagram.

  2. Enneagram Personality:

    Survival mechanisms, deeply rooted in evolutionary processes, play a vital role in shaping the distinct traits associated with your Enneagram personality type. These mechanisms serve as adaptive strategies, intricately linked to your core motivations, fears, desires, and defense mechanisms. They act as defensive tools, enabling you to navigate the world and safeguard your well-being.

    By understanding and uncovering these survival traits, you gain profound insights into your behaviors, tendencies, and patterns. This self-awareness empowers you to nurture these traits through essence practices, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. Delving into your survival mechanisms, your personality type, sets you on a transformative journey, unlocking your potential to lead a more fulfilling and thriving life.

  3. Understanding Enneagram Personality Types:

    The nine personality types provide a framework for understanding and categorizing the patterns of traits that give rise to nine survival archetypes. These types shed light on the defensive ways in which you engage with the world, unveiling the underlying motivations rooted in survival that mold your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors:

    1. The Perfectionist (Type 1),

    2. The Helper (Type 2),

    3. The Achiever (Type 3),

    4. The Individualist (Type 4),

    5. The Observer (Type 5),

    6. The Skeptic (Type 6),

    7. The Enthusiast (Type 7),

    8. The Challenger (Type 8), and

    9. The Peacemaker (Type 9)

  4. Uncovering Enneagram Essence:

    Within you, your Enneagram essence abides beyond the limitations of your personality type. These universal qualities encompass the underlying nutrients and untapped potential associated with your type. Essence represents the fundamental aspects of your being, your innate wisdom, love, and power:

    1. Universal Perfection (Type 1),

    2. Universal Compassion (Type 2),

    3. Universal Value (Type 3),

    4. Universal Intimacy (Type 4),

    5. Universal Peace (Type 5),

    6. Universal Trust (Type 6),

    7. Universal Bliss (Type 7),

    8. Universal Power (Type 8), and

    9. Universal Harmony (Type 9).

  5. Connecting with Enneagram Essence:

    While the Enneagram of personality emphasizes the contracted and fixated aspects of your character, the Enneagram of essence invites you to tap into your liberated potentials. Through cultivating self-awareness, engaging in inner exploration, and committing to a practice of personal growth, you have the ability to unlock your Enneagram essence. By doing so, you align yourself with qualities such as love, wisdom, courage, joy, presence, and authenticity that surpass the limitations of your type.

  6. Embodying Enneagram Essence:

    Embodying your Enneagram essence involves anchoring the nourishing qualities of your type's essence into your daily life, healing the limitations of your personality traits and aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your most mature self. By learning how to embody your Enneagram essence, you empower yourself to live authentically and cultivate meaningful patterns in all aspects of your life.

  7. Conclusion:

    Distinguishing between your Enneagram personality and essence is key for unlocking the full potential of this system. Your personality encompasses the patterns and tendencies associated with your type, while your essence represents your higher potentials and qualities that transcend your personality traits. Integrating your essence and nourishing your personality is a profound journey of transformation, self-discovery, personal growth, and alignment with your authentic self.

    Embrace the holistic insights bestowed by the Enneagram, encompassing both personality and essence, and allow them to lead you towards a profound holistic experience of yourself and others.

  8. Next Steps:

    1. Absorb the Message: Take a moment to reflect on the information provided in this blog post. How can you apply these insights about the Enneagram and its essence to your life?

    2. Explore More Free Resources: If you found this post useful and want to delve deeper, visit our library of free resources. This includes a plethora of educational blog posts, engaging videos, and our basic Enneagram course.

    3. Join the Discussion: To connect with others on their Enneagram journey, join our community forums. Participate in existing threads or start your own topic of interest.

    4. Attend Live Group Sessions: To get a more dynamic experience, attend our free live group sessions. Here, you can discuss and share your experiences with others in real-time.

    5. Reflect on Your Journey: As you're exploring the Enneagram and embodying its essence, take some time to reflect on your progress. Are you seeing changes in your life and your perspective? Is there a particular Enneagram type you're relating to more than others?

    6. Consider Further Learning: If you're feeling ready for a deeper commitment, consider enrolling in our immersive professional certification program. This program will provide you with a more profound understanding of the Enneagram, and equip you with the tools to facilitate Enneagram learning for others.

    7. Reach Out for Guidance: Should you have any queries or need guidance during your Enneagram journey, don't hesitate to reach out using the contact form on our website or through private message in our community, we are here to assist you on your journey.

    8. Consider Facilitating: Once you're confident in your knowledge and application of the Enneagram, consider whether becoming an Enneagram of Essence facilitator is right for you. This is an opportunity to guide others on their own journey, share your knowledge, and become a crucial part of our team.

    9. Join Our Team: If becoming an Enneagram facilitator resonates with you, reach out to us. We are always looking for passionate individuals who can contribute to our mission and community.

    10. Stay Connected: Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated on new resources, events, and opportunities. Remember, the journey of understanding the Enneagram and oneself is lifelong. We are here to support you every step of the way.


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