The Enneagram From Birth: Exploring the Journey from Freedom to Fixation and Back

  1. Immersed in Essence: From Birth

    From the moment you were born, you arrived as a complete being, immersed in an essence composed of the universal qualities necessary for your well-being and fulfillment. These qualities serve as a foundation for your thriving. In this article, we will explore the profound connection between your essence and personality, and how learning to reconnect with your essence can nourish and heal your personality traits, paving the way for personal growth.

  2. Survival Program: Personality Type

    Your primary Enneagram personality type is believed to be pre-programmed within you, serving as an evolutionary response to help you navigate and cope with stress. It can be seen as a survival code that is deeply ingrained, shaping your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in specific ways. This survival code, while intended to assist you in facing challenges, also creates a fixed character that is limited by the dominant survival characteristics associated with your Enneagram type. These survival traits, which served as valuable adaptations in childhood, become rigid patterns that restrict your potential for growth and hinder your ability to respond flexibly to different situations.

  3. Life is Stressful: Activating Your Survival Code

    As you journeyed through childhood, the unavoidable trials of life became catalysts activating your unique survival code - your distinct personality type. Guided by instinct, your personality seeks for the qualities that deeply resonate with the very essence of your being, much like a craving for the vital nutrients required for your personal growth and ultimate fulfillment.

  4. Personality Seeks Essence: Universal Nutrients

    The traits of your personality are intricately molded around the pursuit of qualities that reflect the essence of your true self. Your personality is an archetype of survival, a construct designed to navigate the complexities of existence. Yet, within the depths of your being, you possess an innate awareness that reconnecting with your essence holds the key to finding equilibrium, harmony, and a genuine sense of authenticity in your life. It is through the rediscovery and alignment with your true nature that you can unlock a profound source of fulfillment and live a life that resonates with your highest potential.

  5. Path of Nourishment: Reconnecting with Essence

    Reconnecting with your essence becomes a transformative path of nourishment and healing for your personality traits. By consciously exploring and discovering your portals for the universal qualities within you, you can tap into a wellspring of authentic love, wisdom, and power. By anchoring the experience of these universal qualities in your physical being, you regain the embodied state of thriving that was innate at your birth, now enriched with the wisdom and compassion gained through the trials of contraction and suffering


In the vast journey of your life, the undeniable connection between essence and personality is undeniable. By discovering and embodying your essence, you have the power to heal and nourish your unique personality traits, fostering genuine growth and fulfillment. Embracing this transformative journey of reconnecting with your essence allows you to live in authenticity, cultivating a profound sense of fulfillment and well-being in your life. 

Remember, the Enneagram journey is unique for each individual, and it takes time and dedication to cultivate a deeper connection with your essence. Embrace the support and resources available within our Enneagram of Essence community as you embark on this transformative path. Together, we can explore, learn, and grow, nurturing our essence and unlocking our true potential.

Next Steps: Embody Your Essence, Join Our Enneagram Community

  1. Explore Other Posts on Embodying Essence:

    To further deepen your understanding and practice of embodying essence, delve into our resource section. Look for articles that offer practical guidance, techniques, and exercises aimed at reconnecting with your essence. 

  2. Join Our Enneagram Community:

    Engaging with our supportive Enneagram community can be immensely beneficial as you navigate your Enneagram journey. Join our online forum designed to connect individuals who share a passion for Enneagram Essence. 

  3. Explore Our Certification Program: The Enneagram of Essence

    If you have a keen interest in the Enneagram and aspire to deepen your knowledge and practice, we offer a comprehensive certification program designed to provide in-depth training and expertise in working with the Enneagram of Personality and of course Essence. Take your Enneagram exploration to the next level.

  4. Attend Our Enneagram of Essence Interest and Practice Groups:

    Another valuable avenue for learning and growth is our Enneagram of Essence interest and practice groups. These groups provide a supportive and interactive environment where you can engage with kindred spirits who are also exploring the depths of their essence through the Enneagram. You can find these sessions when you join the community. 

  5. Integrate Enneagram Practices into Daily Life:

    Ultimately, embodying essence is a transformative practice that extends beyond attending workshops or engaging in discussions. It involves integrating Enneagram principles and practices into your daily life, applying your newfound insights and understanding to your relationships, work, and personal growth. Regular self-reflection, mindfulness, and conscious application of Enneagram wisdom can lead to profound shifts and a more aligned and fulfilling existence. Embrace the opportunity to infuse Enneagram practices into your daily routines, making them an integral part of your ongoing journey of personal growth.


The Path of Nourishment: 5 Practical Steps to Heal Your Personality and Embody Your Essence


Dear Friend: Unlock the Practical Power of the Enneagram.