Essence: The Healing Medicine for Your Personality


  • The Enneagram, a psycho-spiritual model, has gained widespread recognition for its profound insights into human personality. However, there is a vital component often overlooked in many Enneagram teachings - essence. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of essence, its connection to your personality traits, and how practical techniques can help you reconnect with this nourishing aspect of yourself.

Essence and Personality

  • At the heart of your personality type lies essence, the core of who you are. Personality traits, on the other hand, are the strategies that develop when you become disconnected from your essence. This disconnection often occurs unconsciously, leaving you with a pervasive sense of emotional and spiritual malnourishment. You may sense that something is missing or feel unfulfilled without fully understanding the underlying cause.

The Emphasis on Personality

  • Many Enneagram teachings tend to place a greater emphasis on exploring and understanding your personality traits, leaving essence in the background. While theoretical insights and coping strategies are valuable, they only scratch the surface of the potential offered by the Enneagram. By redirecting your focus towards essence, you can unlock a deeper and more transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

Emphasizing Essence

  • Reconnecting with essence requires practical techniques drawn from somatic psychology and embodiment traditions. These approaches provide tangible ways to bridge the gap between your personality and essence. Practices such as somatic experiencing, yoga, meditation, qigong, sacred tea ceremony, divine feminine embodiment, and more offer gateways to accessing and embodying your essence.

Somatic Psychology and Embodiment

  • Somatic psychology acknowledges the intimate connection between your mind, body, and spirit. By bringing awareness to your physical sensations and using somatic practices, you can release the stored emotional patterns and traumas associated with your personality type, allowing you to access the nourishing qualities of essence. Embodiment traditions, such as yoga, meditation, and qigong, cultivate a deep sense of presence, grounding you in the wisdom and vitality of your body.

Sacred Practices for Essence

  • In addition to somatic psychology and embodiment practices, various sacred rituals and ceremonies can serve as powerful tools for reconnecting with essence. Engaging in a sacred tea ceremony or exploring divine feminine embodiment can open doors to a more profound understanding of yourself and your essence.


  • Essence is the nourishment that lies at the core of your being, often overshadowed by your personality traits. By recognizing the importance of essence and shifting your focus to this aspect, you embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and development. Through practical techniques from somatic psychology, embodiment traditions, and sacred practices, you can nourish your essence, reconnect with your authentic self, and experience a more fulfilling and meaningful life through the lens of the Enneagram.


Step One on the Path of Nourishment: Discover Your Portals to Essence


The Path of Nourishment: 5 Practical Steps to Heal Your Personality and Embody Your Essence