Step One on the Path of Nourishment: Discover Your Portals to Essence


Welcome back! Remember the 5 practical steps I laid out in: “The Path of Nourishment: 5 Practical Steps to Heal Your Personality and Embody Your Essence”? Now we're moving beyond the outline and into the actual journey. In this post, we're diving into the first step - exploring your personal portals to essence.

These are the experiences that awaken something fundamental within you. This might happen when you're reminiscing, spending time in nature, being creative, sharing moments with inspiring people, or participating in meaningful rituals. The key is to be open, to experiment, and to identify the essence that resonates and nourishes you the most.

Start by choosing an essence you feel drawn to explore deeper. It could be the essence of your primary type or another essence that you feel could nourish your current journey. If you need a reminder of the essence of each type, check out my post: Unveiling the Difference: Enneagram Personality vs. Enneagram Essence.

As you journey deeper, you'll begin to distinguish the unique nourishment each essence provides. And with practice, you'll cultivate the ability to tap into these essences, helping you navigate and nourish your personality. Let's embark on this exploration of your portals to essence together!

Past Memories

Your most cherished memories can serve as pathways to your essence. Start by bringing into your consciousness the essence you're currently exploring. Then, take a moment to immerse yourself in the memories of profound moments that echo this essence.

Maybe it's the embrace of a loved one, the awe-inspiring beauty of a sunset, or the exhilaration of overcoming a challenge. As you reflect, become aware of the emotions and sensations these memories stir within you. Indeed, memories act as stepping stones to our essence. But remember, the essence itself is beyond memory. In time, you'll learn to access your essence directly, transcending the need for memory as a bridge.


Nature's can serve as a mirror to your essential self, helping guide you towards the essence that nurtures you. Use the natural world as a portal, whether it's a tranquil forest, a blooming garden, or a vast ocean. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and scents that surround you, allowing them to evoke a visceral response. What aspects of nature remind you of each essence? Reflect on this connection to deepen your understanding and experience of each essence.

Creative Outlets

Creative expression serves as a potent pathway to essence. Explore various artistic outlets, such as painting, writing, dancing, or playing music. Allow yourself to freely channel your thoughts, emotions, and desires through these mediums. Note which creative activities ignite specific qualities of your essence. Which ones stir up joy, peace, harmony, power, integrity, love, beauty within you? Make these creative outlets an integral part of your life, serving as doorways that allow you to access and ground your essence within.


Archetypes can offer a powerful connection to the essence of each Enneagram type. These universal figures or characters, rooted in diverse traditions, embody qualities that echo or highlight the distinctive aspects of each type and essence. For example, you might align with the Warrior archetype to touch the essence of Type 8, or resonate with the Sage archetype to connect with Type 5.

But, don't constrain yourself solely to traditional archetypes. The people in your life, whether in the past or present, can also serve as 'living archetypes,' providing tangible and relatable examples of different essences.

Take note of the archetypes that resonate with you. Which ones bring to mind each essence? Incorporate these archetypes into your daily life. Display their images in your space and dedicate time for reflection upon them. They'll serve as constant reminders and guides as you navigate your journey of exploring essence.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Rituals and ceremonies provide sacred platforms for uniting with your essence. Explore practices from an array of cultures, or craft your own unique rituals. Engage in ceremonial acts that resonate deeply with you and enable you to touch the essence of each type.

These practices might take various forms - meditation, prayer, yoga, or other ritualistic actions. Notice the essence and energy each practice stirs within you. Consider these rituals as openings to the essence you feel drawn to explore. Embrace them and allow them to guide your journey of self-discovery and nourishment.

Being Present and Experimenting

Above all, cultivate mindfulness and presence in each experience. As you traverse the path of essence, observe your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Experiment with different activities and environments, noting how they activate specific qualities of essence within you. Trust your intuition and follow what feels most nourishing and aligned with your needs. Embrace the process of self-exploration, remaining receptive to the insights and experiences that arise along the way.


Discovering your portals to essence is a profound journey that takes time and patience. By reflecting on memories, immersing yourself in nature, engaging in creative outlets, forging connections, exploring rituals, and remaining present, you begin to unlock the portals to your true essence.

This path not only provides a deeper understanding of your intrinsic self, but also empowers you to harness your essence in periods of healing and growth. Yet, it's important to remember that the essence itself exists beyond these portals. Over time, you'll learn to access your essence directly, without the need for portals as bridges.

Next Steps

Explore Other Posts on Embodying Essence:

To further deepen your understanding and practice of embodying essence, delve into our resource section. Look for articles that offer practical guidance, techniques, and exercises aimed at reconnecting with your essence. 

Join Our Enneagram Community:

Engaging with our supportive Enneagram community can be immensely beneficial as you navigate your Enneagram journey. Join our online forum designed to connect individuals who share a passion for Enneagram Essence. 

Attend Our Enneagram of Essence Interest and Practice Groups:

Another valuable avenue for learning and growth is our Enneagram of Essence interest and practice groups. These groups provide a supportive and interactive environment where you can engage with kindred spirits who are also exploring the depths of their essence through the Enneagram. You can find these sessions when you join the community. 

Explore Our Certification Program: The Enneagram of Essence

If you have a keen interest in the Enneagram and aspire to deepen your knowledge and practice, we offer a comprehensive certification program designed to provide in-depth training and expertise in working with the Enneagram of Personality and of course Essence. Take your Enneagram exploration to the next level.

Integrate Enneagram Practices into Daily Life:

Ultimately, embodying essence is a transformative practice that extends beyond attending workshops or engaging in discussions. It involves integrating Enneagram principles and practices into your daily life, applying your newfound insights and understanding to your relationships, work, and personal growth. Regular self-reflection, mindfulness, and conscious application of Enneagram wisdom can lead to profound shifts and a more aligned and fulfilling existence. Embrace the opportunity to infuse Enneagram practices into your daily routines, making them an integral part of your ongoing journey of personal growth.


Step Two on the Path of Nourishment: How to Feel the Qualities of Essence in Your Nervous System


Essence: The Healing Medicine for Your Personality